Here at Emerald Software Group we are pushing the envelope in the employee onboarding solution space. We are not trying to capture the monolithic HRMS vendor space, or the Enterprise talent acquisition realm. We are trying to be the best "best of breed" vendor in-between! We convert a candidate to an employee and make it paperless! Not only that, but we take other important aspects of HR pain and solve it also: Employee Change events, Life cycle provisioning of items for employees, and more...
To accomplish this we need great software, great integration, and raving fans as clients.
My business partner and friend since 1999, Chuck Ros has stayed with me through thick and thin. We worked together in several corporate names, but together started Emerald Coast Software in Gulfport, MS in 2003. ECS was moved to Alpharetta, GA and renamed to Emerald Software Group in 2007. We grew from the 2 of us in a 150 square foot room, to over 13 team members and growing.
I provide back office support for the operation including our SaaS data center, Product Management, Professional Service and more.
This blog is meant to provide my talking post for my work realm. I hope to keep it informative for clients, non-clients, co-workers and anyone who will read. I hope it to be a place to get some good HR info out to the world.