Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Acculturation Onboarding For Moms (Or Dads) Returning To The Workforce

If you've been keeping up with the latest from Workforce.com, you may have read the recent article on stay-at-home parents who are transitioning back into the world of work. Women who have been sidelined for several years (or a couple of decades) by motherhood are a particularly sizeable group about 5 million strong. Many are looking for jobs now because their household income has fallen due to a spouse being laid off. Other moms are looking to get out of the house and land a career that offers payment and recognition - perks that are often sadly lacking in the endless job of being "mom".

If you are tapping into this talent pool of parents who are returning to the workforce, it's important to ensure their acculturation onboarding is a top priority. These highly motivated new hires are looking for a sense of connection with their coworkers and your organization as a whole. They also generally have a desire to excel as soon as possible and will be eager to access the tools to make this happen.

Connect On Values

Parents want to leave this world a better place for their kids and grandkids. This means they resonate with company values that stress community responsibility, sound planning for the future, and environmental sustainability. Make sure your HR branding and onboarding put these concepts front and center starting with the welcome letter and/or introductory video. Take advantage of the customizability of AllegroHR products to add links, text, and images to data panels that send a consistent message about your mission statement throughout the acculturation onboarding process.

Provide Pertinent Tools

Individuals who have been out of touch with the work world for a long time may have to get up to speed before becoming fully productive. They need access to plenty of information and in-depth learning modules. Make sure appropriate skill testing is performed early on to identify areas that could use improvement. The stay-at-home parent demographic is eager to get back into the groove and jumpstart their careers. The more readily available self-paced learning materials are the better. With Emerald Software Group's single sign-on approach, new hires can instantly access both in-house and third party training starting on their first day.

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