Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Commonly Integrated Systems for AllegroHR & Emerald Green Office

One of the most pertinent questions HR and IT can ask about our Emerald Software suite of products is “Will what you provide work with what we already have?” In most cases, the answer is yes. If we don’t currently have an integration solution on hand for a product, chances are there’s something in the works. We know that when customers have the ability to interface Emerald products with their existing enterprise software this is a big point in our favor. After all, our software is designed around the concept of automating as many processes as possible. This means the more interfaces we can successfully implement, the higher the value our product delivers. So, while we may be viewed as a “niche” software provider, this doesn’t mean that we don’t know how to “play well” with other vendors’ applications.
Below is an overview of some of the applications we have experience integrating our software with. We also have the capability to integrate with any third party that uses the HR-XML NewHire standard for interoperability. If you don’t see the software you currently use on the following list, don’t worry. Your personal Emerald Software Group business development consultant can fill you in on the complete list of 3rd party integrations we can currently perform.

Abra Suite
As you can see, these applications range from recruitment and applicant tracking to payroll and general HRIS. Since our own product offerings run the gamut from our always popular Universal Onboarding to document creation and business process management, we don’t just focus on integrating with other applications in the HR realm. We’ve also got a handle on interfacing with suite solutions such as EnterpriseOne. This means data can be delivered from our software to any area of an organization’s ECM system. The ability to transfer, compile, and analyze data from all applications across an organization leads to the development of more accurate metrics, improved performance, and controlled costs. So, don’t let your HR and enterprise data sit segregated in many different applications. Let us help you start connecting the data points today.

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