Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why Choose a Niche Product for Onboarding? Part 1

Last week, we took a look at some of the HR software solutions Emerald has experience integrating our programs with. These include big names in the SaaS HRMS field (UltiPro, SilkRoad, etc). Many of these commonly used suite solutions provide some form of onboarding module. This means employers often have the ability to minimize or eliminate the use of paper in their new hire forms administration using the option offered by their suite software. So, why are customers who have already invested in software for the full range of HR processes still seek out a niche solution for their onboarding needs?

Greater Compliance

For employers who are really sticklers about compliance, every step of an onboarding process must be viewed in light of how it promotes this goal. Suite providers often grasp that electronic forms are needed. Some also automate the flow of data collected on these forms into other systems (such as Payroll) to reduce HR’s workload. However, not all systems go the extra mile to ensure that there are no errors or omissions and that the actual process of collecting data and signatures is done the right way. Employers have to ask these questions when comparing a suite solution with a niche product for onboarding:

• Which system provides a complete library of up-to-date federal and state required forms?

• Which system presents these forms in an electronic data collection format that enforces the government’s instructions regarding how the form must be filled out?

• Which system permits the incorporation of unlimited forms to cover all an employer’s policy acknowledgement and data collection needs?

• Which system prevents new hires from submitting electronic forms that are incomplete or incorrectly filled out?

• Which system complies with all the requirements of the 2000 e-Sign Act so that the legality of electronically collected signatures cannot be called into question later?

• Which system can be interfaced with e-Verify to enhance compliance with ICE best practices for worker eligibility verification?

These are all important questions because they impact an employer’s level of risk. Mistakes on forms don’t just lead to errors in how HR handles data. They can also have real consequences that may include fines and penalties in the event of an audit by a government agency.

In the next blog post, we’ll look at additional reasons why HR looks to niche products like Universal Onboarding for greatest ease of use.

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